Dr Suzi Coelho | Doctor:
Aesthetic Medicine
Aesthetic Medicine Treatments with Dr Suzi Coelho: Natural and Personalised Results
The aesthetic medicine offers a wide range of non-invasive treatments designed to promote rejuvenation, skin improvement and well-being. Under the guidance of Dr Suzi CoelhoAs a specialist in Aesthetic Medicine, you can achieve natural, discreet and personalised results, according to your needs. Find out about the main services available:
1. Peelings
Treatment that renews the skinimproving its texture, luminosity and uniformity. Ideal for spot reduction, acne scars and fine wrinklesfor younger, revitalised skin.
2. Neuromodellers (Botulinum Toxin)
The botulinum toxin (Botox) softens wrinkles and expression linesfor a more attractive face. rested and rejuvenated. Also effective in the treatment of bruxism and hyperhidrosis.
3. PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)
Using the own platelets of the patient, PRP stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. Ideal for facial rejuvenation and strengthening the scalpIt promotes healthier skin and stronger hair.
4. Skinbooter (Mesotherapy or Microneedling)
Combining mesotherapy or microneedling, o Skinbooter revitalises and moisturises the skin, improving its texture, reducing fine lines and providing a lifting effect natural.
5. Revitalisation (Mesotherapy or Microneedling)
These treatments aim to revitalising the skinincreasing its luminosity and elasticityThey are recommended for those looking for a more young and well cared for.
6. Lipolysis of Localised Fat
Reduces fat deposits in specific areas, such as abdomen, flanks and thighsusing techniques such as ultrasound, radio frequency or mesotherapyIt provides a more defined body contour.
7. Fillers
The fillers dermals are used for restore volume and smooth deep wrinklesand improves facial contouringespecially in areas such as cheeks, lips and nasolabial lines.
8. Biostimulators
The biostimulators help stimulate collagen productionand makes the skin more firm, elastic and rejuvenatedand improves the appearance of the skin. texture of the skin.
9. Biomodellers
The bio-remodellers are suitable for restore volume and improve skin qualityhelps to treat flaccidity and wrinklesand a more youthful appearance. natural.
10. Hybrids (Biostimulators + Biomodellers)
Combination of biostimulators and bio-remodellers for a complete treatment, combating sagging and skin ageing, with natural results and lasting.
11. Sclerotherapy
Treatment for remove varicose veins and vases on the legs, applying a substance that closes dilated vesselsIt improves the appearance of the skin and relieves circulatory problems.
With Dr Suzi Coelhoyou can count on specialised service that prioritises results natural, security and well-being. Each treatment is carried out with advanced techniques and personalised follow-up to achieve the best possible result, respecting the needs and characteristics of each patient.
Book your appointment and find out how aesthetic medicine can transform your appearance and self-esteem with effective, high-quality treatments.
#aesthetic medicine 1TP5Facial rejuvenation 1TP5Filler 1TP5Botulinum toxin 1TP5PRP #mesotherapy 1TP5Microneedling #lipolysis 1TP5Biostimulators 1TP5Sclerotherapy.